

(圖/翻攝自IG @threechattycats、@peatandbarley_)

有沒有留意過,有些貓貓的下腹有一團下垂、走起路來會左右搖晃的小肚肚,很多人會以為這是肥肉,其實這團肉稱作「Primordial Pouch原始袋」,他可不是肥肉喔,「Primordial Pouch」是貓咪的原始特徵,和貓貓的部分基因有關。這是腹部多餘的皮膚和脂肪層,並不會隨著減肥而消失,而且具有重要功能!包括了增加後腿伸展的範圍,還有保護內臟的作用,野生貓科動物甚至大如獅子、老虎也有這團肉,讓他們的腹部有更大的空間儲存能量。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Have you noticed that your cat has a saggy belly? Kitty hasn't eaten too many treats; it's actually a normal part of your cat's anatomy! The technical term for this belly flap, which can often be seen swaying from side to side when a cat moves, is called the primordial pouch. This loose skin and padding at the belly provides extra protection for the abdominal area during fights when “bunny kicking” with their hind legs. It insulates and protects internal organs and allows a cat to store extra food in its belly. (Important for our ferals who sometimes go days without eating.) It also allows a cat freedom of movement to fully stretch and extend the back legs when running at high speed or jumping. Some people believe that spaying or neutering causes this primordial pouch. This is a myth. All felines, regardless of their size, shape, or sex have this extra flap of skin (including lions and tigers). Even cats who lose weight due to diet or illness still have these belly flaps. @catspaw_catlovers (Many thanks to My Feral Fix for sharing this information!) #TNR #spayandneuter #primordialpouch

Cat's Paw(@catspaw_catlovers)分享的貼文 於 張貼


貓貓在奔跑、獵捕和跳躍的過程中,柔軟的「Primordial Pouch」可以讓腹部、後腿做到最大的延展,進而提昇奔跑的速度與跳躍力,這對於貓貓的獵捕、躲避與反應,都能起到很大的幫助。


對任何動物來說,肚子都是身體非常脆弱的部位,一言不合就會打成一團的的貓貓,打架時要不用前腳互毆對方,要不就是抱住對手,再用後腿瘋狂踹對方的肚子,這時候「Primordial Pouch」對保護腹部,就起了很大的緩衝作用,不會直接傷及腹內臟器。


野生的貓科動物,不見得次次都能打獵順利,也不像家貓有穩定的食物來源,餓很多天才有一餐更是常見的事,久久捕獲到的獵物,必須好好吞下肚,「Primordial Pouch」的存在就是為了能夠存儲脂肪,當作糧倉來抵禦飢餓和寒冷。




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